I guess that's really okay, in the end. Lunch today:
Veggies and Seitan in Mole, courtesy of VCON. I sort of combined both mole recipes, wanting a little seitan and a few veggies, too. This was INCREDIBLE! Dan had two helpings -- he has a thing for mole. Unfortunately, most moles aren't vegetarian, so I can't ever join him . . . until now! Woo!
I did discover, however, that in order to effectively brown the seitan, I should have used a nonstick pan. The seitan totally stuck to the bottom of my stainless pan . . . grumble. It came off later when I added liquid, which turned out fine, but a little crumbly, in the end. Also, if you make the veg recipe, definitely salt the zucchini -- it totally held its shape, as you can see!
Dinner tonight:
Curried Tofu from VCON, (panfried, since I don't have a grill and didn't want to turn on the oven,) sliced tomatoes, steamed broccoli, and garlic-mashed potatoes. The tofu is fantastic! I have a feeling it will become a repeat visitor at my house -- and probably Dan's, too, since it's so easy!
And lastly, a snack:
I baked the Banana Date Scones, also from VCON. My first impression of these scones was . . . holy cow, they are HUGE! (And I got nine scones out of the recipe, even though the yield said eight.) Also, they were slightly fussy to prepare, since I had to chop both the dates and the walnuts, mash the banana, and then mix everything together, but it was worth it! Moist, dense, and slightly sweet -- perfect, if you ask me. These would make a great portable breakfast, since they are so substantial, and chock full of good-for-you ingredients.
Tomorrow, we enjoy leftovers.
Wow! Catherine, I don't know where to start. All of your photos look so delicious. What a drooly post. Mmmmmmm!
Looks quite yummy. I haven't had tofu in a long time... (And even when I did, I don't think it ever looked quite that good!)
No worries, cooking is a GOOD addiction to have, haha :0D
Thanks for the review on those scones--I love dates and have been eying the recipe for a while. Now I will HAVE to make them!
Did you make another batch of seitan for the mole? Or had you frozen some from last time? If so, it looks like it thawed out just fine!
You certainly ate well yesterday--that sliced tomato looks like the perfect accompaniment to the curried tofu.
The tofu looks amazing. I still haven't quite managed to panfry, bake or do anything with it without it being a little floppy.
Yum! everything looks awesome...
I love my cast iron for browning things.. not a fan of stainless at all...
You HAVE been busy in the kitchen. Isn't it fun to get excited about a cookbook? It all looks so good, I've really be wanting to try making vegetarian mole! Oh mole!
MM curry tofu! I love those scones, too. Healthy meets delicious!
Those banana scones look yummmmyyy
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