Friday, July 27, 2012

Blueberry-Oatmeal Muffins . . . With Zucchini!

An experiment that well this morning, but not perfectly, in an effort to continue to use up the ever-present zucchini in my refrigerator these days . . . Blueberry-Oatmeal Muffins With Zucchini!

I wasn't perfectly happy with how these turned out, (they fall on the side of "way too moist to have any actual structure,") so I'm not going to post the recipe . . . but if I make them again and figure out a better balance, I'll be sure to let you know!

Until then . . . please tell me . . . what would you do if you were faced with still more zucchini?


Eileen said...

More zucchini! MORE!!

Okay, have you frozen any zucchini yet? Shred up a bunch of it, blanch it, drain it, put it in the freezer, and use a handful of it in every pasta sauce you make the entire winter. The ziploc bag freezing method would probably work best here since you can just break off a corner at a time.

I had raw zucchini rolls with cashew cheese for lunch yesterday, and they were great! It's just cashew cheese rolled in thin strips of raw zucchini (so it also tastes different than cooked!). I should be writing it up in a couple days. Or! You could make raw zucchini noodles and toss them with pesto, or avocado pesto, or some sort of yogurty tzatziki sauce, or more cashew cheese, Bonus: no turning on the oven!

Anonymous said...

I *love* zucchini! You could shred it and freeze it to use in future baking or cooking. Also, I love to make zucchini "noodles" with a raw or cooked tomato sauce. It is also really good shredded raw on salads. You can make coins of it like cucumber and use it in a dip, and it is also good made into pickles. One of my favorite ways to eat it is sauteed with lemon and dill...the 3 together (zucchini, lemon and dill) are really good, and it is even better if you have some capers! You could also layer it in with your noodles in lasagna, and you can't taste it all if you add it to smoothies :-) I hope that helps a little!
