To start, dinner tonight. This looks better than it tastes. The rice and the sweet potato are both, unfortunately, a little undercooked, but well, what can you do when you're hungry, eh?
I think I'm starting to get a handle on how to "wing" Indian food. My method: veggies, chickpeas, spices, salt, something creamy (this time, a mixture of Tofutti better than sour cream and rice milk.) This could have used some golden raisins to sweeten it up a bit; alas, no raisins in the house. Bah! I also tried a new method of cooking rice -- boiling, as you would pasta, per a suggestion from the Bittman cookbook. It's WAY faster than steaming, and I think if I had let it cook for 5 more minutes, would have made perfect, not-glumpy rice. My troubles with rice run deep; I tend to cook hard little nuggets of burned-ness, or glumpy glops. I've been thinking about a rice cooker, but this boiling technique may save me the cost and space taken up in my kitchen!
This was lunch over the weekend sometime. Notsomuch cooking as it was taking soup out of the freezer and heating it up. But I did make the pita chips fresh! Anyhow, PPK French Lentil Soup with Tarragon and Thyme:
I never completely follow the recipe for this one, nor do I ever make it quite the same way twice. But, I love tarragon and I love lentils, so I love this soup. (Especially with the addition of mushrooms -- not in Isa's original recipe, tho.)
And this? Pumpkin spice oatmeal with diced apple. Sometimes, you just want a big bowl of orange goo for breakfast.
I bet it would look more appetizing if I photographed it in a dark blue bowl. Ah, next time.
I also fed Michelle and I twice this past week/end, because her fridge is malfunctioning and the new one won't arrive until Monday. Saturday night, we had a quick pasta (Butternut Squash ravioli -- yummy, and vegan!) and salad dinner before going to see The TV Sound and The Hopefuls at the Nomad. Monday night, I went a little more extravagant -- I made homemade Tomato-Basil Soup (from La Dolce Vegan,) and grilled tomato, avocado, and provolone sandwiches. (Yes, cheese. Sometimes I make cheese for others, and I enjoy a little cheese every now and then.)
No news on the job front yet. I have been applying like crazy, and have received few responses so far. No interviews yet. I think the rest of the world moves more slowly than the education field
And, I leave you with this, because it's just too cute for words:
I'm home from vacation and i'd LOVE some advice. while there my camera broke. :(
Any suggestions on brands or anything? I'm researching but I prefer talking with someone i know.
ya.. the indian inspired dish looks great.. despite the under cooking of it all.. it photos as well as your little kitty... collective ahhhhhh....
a good rice cooker is priceless!! i have owned one since i left home and well... it does making cooking rice brainless!! and they have small ones for one or two people.. get it .. you won't be sorry ..
too cute the cat!
i love the food photos, make me hungry!
Oliver is the cutest sleeping in bed! That's where I find Killian 1/2 the time.
As for your food... wow! The chickpea rice stuff sounds wonderful, and I really have issues with rice too. I don't know why. I would like a $15 rice cooker, a mini one. This all looks wonderful, and I love that snack set from Ikea! It matches Ray's (I have the green one). Good luck with more job hunting. It'll come.
Your cat is so cute!
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