a cup of black coffee, my multivitamin, and
a mess of two-potato hashbrowns, garnished with sour cream, and a side of sauteed spinach.
leftover curry I made last Friday, over brown rice.
a cup of unsweetened red tea
3:00 SNACK:
a few chips with salsa with the kids, a piece of cinnamon hard candy, and
plain yogurt with granola, and a very fuzzy peach!
I just wasn't feeling like "real food," so I made myself a bunch of snacks: ants on a log, banana bread, cottage cheese, a pear, and two cookies. Sometimes snacky dinners are just what one needs after a long day that's not quite over yet!
a cup of red tea sweetened with honey (my throat/voice was tired after my two-hour choir rehearsal!)
Question of the evening:
What's the last book you've finished?
Me? I stayed up WAY too late last night finishing The Kite Runner. I realize I'm probably the last person on the planet that's read this book, but it was still really spectacular!
DELICIOUS flogging :0)
I just finished reading "Quick, Before The Music Stops."
I read The Kite Runner last year - interesting read, for sure!
I like this flogging thing you're doing.
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