Friday, October 23, 2009

orange food, woe is Flickr

Three of our four meals this week included some sort of orange vegetable . . . amazing! And tasty!

"Roasted Pumpkin-Apple Soup," from the most recent edition of Eating Well:

Tofu Mom's Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Buttered Chard:

Pasta and salad:

And "Acorn Squash Stuffed with Chard and White Beans," also from Eating Well:


In other news, Flickr has started to "mess" with me. Grr. I have a mac, and one of the lovely things about Macintosh computers is that often all you have to do with anything is "drag and drop." I used to be able to drag and drop my photos into my blog posts . . . no longer. Now, Flickr thinks I want to add a title or some dumb thing when I click on images! Drat. No more drag and drop for me, and I can't figure out how to copy and paste the dang images, either. So, I upload directly through blogger now, which is more complicated than I originally thought. AAAAAA! Wish me luck!


Vic Robinson said...


Crystal said...

You are so quick - I just got that new Eating Well like a day ago!

Catherine Weber said...

Crystal, that's funny! I think I've had my copy for about a week and a half. :)