Thursday, January 11, 2007

lazy day

What a treat -- I don't actually have to work until 3:30 today, so I have had the most wonderful morning! I slept until 9:00 (despite the construction that starts at 7 am across the street from my apartment,) lounged around on the couch forever while eating breakfast (cinnamon-raisin oatmeal,) drinking coffee, and writing in my journal. I also managed to cook up a big pot o' black beans (most of which hit the freezer after cooling), wash a few dishes, do a load of laundry, and stew some chickpeas for lunch! Mmmm . . . .
A yummy, slightly curry-ish melange of chickpeas, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, and some "secret spices." I took pretty decent notes, but this one will need to be retested (I did not measure the salt, as usual,) before being included in the cookbook. :) (That's whole-wheat couscous hiding in the bottom of the bowl.)
Man, I'm going to have to finally get up off my tush, get dressed, and head off for work here in a little while. I'm so thankful for my relaxing morning, though! Hooray for lazy days.


Anonymous said...

Hooray! I am glad that you had a well-deserved lazy morning before going to work. :)

Judy said...

That looks so tasty, and it sounds a lot like one of my 'quick' meals. Mmm, chickpeas and couscous together rock.

Crystal said...

You reminded me that I need to bring out my journal and write about the good things. Lately I've only been using it if I'm upset about something..I surely don't want future generations to think I led a depressing life!!

We need to visit you again soon for some stuff we probably don't need, but feel we need :)


Melissa said...

I love the colours. Anything with chickpeas passes with me!

Michelle said...

i agree, chickpeas kick ass :) hard to believe that i used to loathe them! i used to not even like hummus... GASP!

so glad my palate has changed with the whole going veg thing :)

how is the cookbook going? when do you think you'll be ready to get it edited/printed and available to us?

Carrie™ said...

I sometimes have short shifts and work 5pm-10pm. I love those days. I have the entire morning to do whatever I want. Chickpeas are always good and when paired with couscous, even better!