Didn't need much produce this week, after last week's extravaganza! Cereal was on the list this week, and I took Kai's advice and decided to try some bulk granolas -- cheaper and less wasteful than cereal from boxes! (And pretty tasty, too!)
1 pound Hemp Plus organic granola
1 1/4 pounds Pumpkin Spice granola
1 pound organic bulgur
1 1/2 pounds organic quinoa
two lemon-olive oil cookies (one for me, one for my shopping assistant, Ann!)
Tofutti Cuties "coffee break" flavor
Turtle Mountain's Purely Decadent Rasbperry a la Mode
L'Estornell organic extra-virgin olive oil
Vogue veggie broth base (it's low-sodium, which is exciting, but I was sad -- I prefer the "Rapunzel" brand, which they only had in the cubes -- no jar! Bah.)
NatraCare organic all-cotton tampons
one organic mango
two organic white peaches
1 1/2 pouns organic red grapes
1 small bunch organic cilantro
1 big carton WholeSoy plain yogurt
Visit Harmonia for more info on Midweek Munchies.
Great list Catherine. I've never seen the Cutie's Coffee Break flavor. Now I must hunt...
I love buying everything possible in bulk, especailly granola and grains. I think I have a feeling of what you are going to put into dishes from that huge carton of soy yogurt!
Leslie, the Coffee Break Cuties are everything you want them to be . . . and then some! Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum . . . and the Raspberry A La Mode is pretty darn tasty, too!
I really like both of the granolas -- I'll have to keep this up for awhile! (Especially because it's too hot to turn on my oven to make my own granola!) I thought you'd be happy about the hemp granola!
I don't buy as much in bulk as I could/should, (I haven't ventured into wet bulk yet, and I'm pretty picky about my pasta, so I will only buy one brand,) but I do what I can!
mm i didn't know toffuty came in coffee flavor.. yum
I'll be trying your recipe tomorrow after I do my grocery shopping :).. probably be posting it on thursday
yay i'm excited
Interesting list. I'm not sure we have okra here either or I'd totally volunteer for that.
Thanks for the 365 soy sausage suggestion. My whole foods doesn't seem to carry it. Only the 365 burgers. Too bad!
Catherine, liquid bulk can be hit or miss. If you don't have a container already (and weighed out for taring and then marking it on the bottle) some co-ops and other places will offer cheapy bottles that they have the pre-weight already and you can fill from there and keep reusing if you want. Otherwise, bring your own container. I like bulk dish detergent, maple syrup, body soap, and of course, nut butters if that counts as semi liquid.
If you have the options, it can be a good thing (and if you like what's in the bin). I like not paying for advertising, packaging, etc. and I also like all the good/green things that come of buying as much as possible in bulk. And as for the granola, I think I like any kind... as long as it's sweet enough.
I got the soup recipe and I'll be giving it a try as soon as I get some curry paste. It looks really good!
Coffee flavor tofutti's... where in the heck have I been?
Oh, I've been at the cute indian store. I'll have to shop the coop next week. can't resist this one.
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