Saturday, November 04, 2006

hello . . . whew!

What a week . . . and it starts all over again tomorrow! This whole working a couple of nights plus days, six days a week thing is exhausting! I love the retail job lots -- just a wonderful, wonderful company to work for. They are so flexible and just superb people to work for. And wowzers . . . over 12,000 products that I need to learn all about! Big learning curve with this one. I am so excited to learn more and more about high-end kitchenwares, you can't even begin to imagine! I wish I could work my part-time job full-time. (Lack of adequate pay and benefits are two major hang-ups with that one. Bah.)

The only exciting food news I have to report this week is that I found whole wheat gnocchi at the co-op! They were very good, although I overcooked them slightly. I have been packing lots and lots of meals lately -- I eat breakfast and lunch "on the go" every day, plus dinner on working nights. Other nights, I'm so busy either running off to church choir rehearsal or getting stuff done, I don't have that much time to cook these days. I hate that! I hope to have enough energy left when I get home tomorrow night to make some chocolate chip cookies . . . because I'm fresh out of dessert! (Now you know where my priorities are, right?) ;-) I have a feeling my food these next couple of months will consist of a lot of soup, pasta, beans & rice, sloppy lentils, salads, and sandwiches. I may rely a little heavier on convenience foods than I'd usually prefer -- boo! Oh well.

I'll try to take pictures of a few "vegan lunchboxes" next week, just so I have something to show you! Hope everyone had wonderful weeks, and know that I'd love to be getting around to your blog, but time is tight these days. (I'm going to try and get better about eating in front of a computer at work, so hopefully I can slowly make the blog rounds over the course of the week!)


bazu said...

Wow it seems like you're happy, but busy busy! Good luck with everything, and I hope the upcoming week goes well.
And please, please, do share whatever fun things you learn about kitchenwares! I love (am obsessed with?) kitchen tools and gadgets. Awesome job!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that you are liking the retail job! I am jealous of the discounts you must it normal to dream about cool kitchen tools?!

KleoPatra said...

Happy to read about you being happy and busy. Keep on keepin' on, Catherine!!

Hannah said...

Sorry your so busy, but try and post more! I love reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

i will love to see some vegan lunchbox photos!

im happy you love your new work!