Saturday, March 27, 2010

chocolate pie!

Really, are there any words more exciting than "chocolate pie?"

(Well maybe, "boarding to Guatemala," but we're talking food, here!)

I'm getting together with some girlfriends tonight (we have a potluck and play board games once a month,) and I volunteered to bring dessert this time 'round. I can't wait to unveil this in a few hours!

This was the easiest thing in the world, and it's going to be awesome! I baked off a prepared, vegan, whole-wheat pie crust, and filled it with a basic tofu mousse (1 package silken tofu, 1/3 cup maple syrup, 1 tbsp vanilla, and 1 cup chocolate chips, melted,) before topping with fresh raspberries. Easy! Rich! Delicious! Chocolatey Fabulous!

What's your secret weapon dessert recipe?


Vic Robinson said...

Looks super good! I love chocolate pie!

radioactivegan said...

that looks so good! your friends are quite lucky

Crystal said...

While I haven't made it in a long time, my secret weapon dessert was a trifle using white cake, raspberries, whipped cream and shaved chocolate.