Sunday, June 13, 2010


I think it's time I invested in a cape. :)

Besides picking 12 pounds of strawberries, I've also been to the Farmer's Market, co-op, Target, and library this weekend, and have been cooking and baking up a storm.

To start, here's the "aftermath" of 12 pounds of strawberries . . .

5 quarts, hulled, washed, and frozen for smoothies, pies, and whatever else:

Four jars of jam, all in the freezer for now . . .

AND, a strawberry-rhubarb pie!

A little soupy, but still delicious.

(My new pie-making motto? When in doubt, add extra cornstarch.)

There's also a quart of fresh berries in the fridge, but they are going to need to be eaten quickly -- fruit at the peak of freshness doesn't last long!

I've also . . .

made a batch of granola:

made a loaf of bread:

(more on the bread later . . . this was actually part of the bake-a-long!)

roasted a bunch of chickpeas:

started dough for pizza crust, steamed and froze 2 pounds of asparagus, steamed and chopped 10 ounces of spinach, made a batch of BBQ seitan, made taco salad filling, washed and chopped 2 bunches of kale, washed and chopped lettuce, made a batch of almond milk, diced and froze (most of) a HUGE papaya, cooked up a pile of brown rice, shredded cheeses for pizza and quesadillas, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the litterbox, and washed/dried 5 loads of laundry.

I'm tired. :) (Needless to say.) But boy was that a weekend well spent! I love relaxing just as much as the next person, but sometimes it just feels good to get stuff DONE! (And somewhere in there, I still found time to read some and watch a movie!)

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