The congregation applauded us today -- that rarely happens! Aparently, they were so moved by our performance of one movement of Handel's Messiah that they wanted to let us know. (We all looked at each other kind of dumbfounded -- I think our performance felt a little flat to us, actually.)
Speaking of Handel, we will be performing the entire Messiah on Sunday, April 10th at the 11:15 service. Please come! It should be a good show -- we've hired an orchestra and everything. Whee, violins and stuff! If you come, we can go out for brunch afterwards!
Something else funny happened during church today. Since we had the big fat Handel score to carry with us, someone in the choir had the forethought to make photocopies of the hymns for this morning so we didn't have to carry a hymnal and the big blue score. So, we didn't have hymnals. Partway through the service, the senior pastor decides to add an impromptu hymn . . . which we didn't have. He kept looking back at us all strangely as we were singing "da-da-da" and waving our palm branches along with the congregation.
Don, our organist, was kind enough to play REALLY loud in order to drown out all the da-da-da-ing. HA!
I was laughing so hard I could barely da-da-da.
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