Wednesday, October 11, 2006

decisions, decisions . . .

(two cups of cooked pumpkin puree)

Now, I decided to stick this pumpkin puree in my freezer for now, because I can't decide what to do with it! Pumpkin pie is my knee-jerk reaction; however, I have half an apple pie and most of a pan of chocolate brownie cake hanging about my house right now -- I really don't think I need a third dessert choice. I have two containers of pumpkin soup in the freezer already, and am at a loss. Pumpkin bread seems like the natural choice . . . but I was wondering whether you all had any brilliant ideas for me? Comment away!


Eat Peace Please said...

Make healthy breakfast non-desserty muffins. Or pancakes. Or waffles... am I hooked too much on the sweet stuff?!

funwithyourfood said...

Pumpkin Butter!! A lot of people have been blogging about it lately and i want some :)

Melissa said...

Well its a baked good, but they freeze really well. The pumpkin chocolate chip muffins from Veganlunchbox...they're grrrreat!

Joe said...

So many recipes you could choose from! What about a pumpkin filled ravioli or something?

Catherine Weber said...

Yes Leslie, for a nutritionist, you are quite the sugar monster! Good for you. :) Pumpkin pancakes . . . .

Teddy, pumpkin butter . . . hmm. I don't like apple butter AT ALL. I wonder whether pumpkin butter would elicit a similar reaction? Awesome idea, though!

Melissa, that does sound good! I'm not sure I've ever really had pumpkin and chocolate together . . . would be worth experimenting!

Joe . . . YUM. I'll have to search through my cupboards/fridge and see if I can make something up! (And how I could possibly roll pasta dough without a machine . . . oooh, me loves a challenge!)

Mary, all I did to cook the pumpkin was cut it in half, scoop out the stringers and seeds, stick the halves face-up in a pan, cover the pan with foil, and bake for about an hour at 350, or until tender. Then, let the pumpkin halves cool, scoop the flesh out (and any moisture that pooled in the halves,) stick it in your blender (or in the cup for your hand blender,) and process until smooth. C'est fini! And yes, small pumpkins are best -- find one that's specifically a "pie pumpkin," otherwise your pumpkin flesh might end up stringy and a bit on the dry side.

Thanks everyone for all of your awesome ideas! I'll have to hit the kitchen tomorrow . . . hooray!

Eat Peace Please said...

I like Joe's idea if you aren't going for a sweet. What about pumpkin filled pasta shells? The big ones? That would be a lot easier.

Yes, for a nutritionist I love my sweets but they are "healthy" sweets. Vegan, mostly non processed and no or natural sugars. Plus, I love showing sweets on my blog better than the other foods.

Anonymous said...

i was to say pancakes or waffles, but maybe someone already say it!

Catherine Weber said...

Amen to that, Leslie! Bring on the sugar . . . !!

Johanna, pumpkin waffles sound SO good, but I don't have a waffle iron! Bah. I'm still thinking along the pasta lines . . . !!

Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

i have a pumpkin muffin recipe up that might hit the spot! :o)

Anonymous said...

How about pumpkin bagels? I made some a couple of weeks ago by using the dough cycle on my bread machine and then boiling and baking them separately. They were great! Btw, I'm a mom so I have no time- this process doesn't take as long as it sounds! :)

Nikk said...

Pumpkin cookies! Pumpkin bread! Pumpkin smoothies!

Pumpkin squares! Pumpkin soup!

I *Love* pumpkin!

Anonymous said...

Yum! I was going to suggest things that have already been suggested, but I am putting my vote in for pumpkin muffins or, if you are not looking for sweets, a pumpkin soup! Kinda like squash soup...

bazu said...

Pumpkin ravioli with sage? Since I'm late to the game, I just have to say that everyone's ideas sound so good. I totally sympathize with you- I have too many baked sweets in the house- it's gotten to the point where if I see a recipe that calls for more than 1/3 cup of sugar, I run screaming the other way!

bazu said...

P.S. I can't stop thinking about your pumpkin- here's some other recipes:
Pumpkin Orange Ravioli

Country Pumpkin Chowder

Savory Pumpkin-corn Cakes