Wednesday, May 24, 2006

recipe testing thank-you!

Hello everyone! I've been popping around to everyone else's blogs as usual, and received very awesome emails from those that volunteered to test recipes for me, and everyone's been so great. Thank you all! Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your help:

I can test and test and test recipes until I'm blue in the face, but it is helping SO much having other people test them out for me. Why? Because they are my recipes, and I know how they are supposed to look and taste in the end, and also because I can be a bit snobbish (!!!) about my food and like things just the way I like them, and it's good to know other people like things that way, too! Every little piece of advice helps, and I'm so glad to hear what parts of recipes have been too complicated or confusing, or need more explanation. (i.e., how to peel a frozen banana! Thanks Leslie!) I really want this cookbook to be great, and the help of my testers will prove to be invaluable!

As a side note, and I'm sure as Dreena can attest to, food is expensive and testing recipes over and over again can become a bit costly. I hate to waste food, and since I'm only one person, I can only eat so much before I'm sick of something! (Fortunately, most of my recipes make a small number of servings, so that part isn't quite so horrible.) Also, I can only pawn so much food off on my friends. :) Although they are usually happy to partake -- Tony test-drove a brownie for me last night and said it was "a little strange, but really good." (Whole wheat pastry flour was the "strange," I think.) Having a few folks here and there help out has been awesome, again!

And many of you have asked how/why I chose recipes for you -- I tried to think of the things you blogged about often and offer you foods you'd enjoy/foods that would fit into your personality/lifestyle. (For example, Vicki and Kai both got some fun dip recipes because they both have kids, and kids like to dip things.) Hope I made decent choices!

Note: I haven't sent out any dessert recipes yet, because they are all still in the planning stages. Those will come in another month or so . . . watch out for the sugar!

And now, I must hurry off and get ready for work before I'm late! Sheesh.


Crystal said...

Hi Catherine - Just wanted to say "thanks" for adding us to your Bloggeriffic list. It's appreciated!

If you need more recipe testers, let me know and I'd be willing to test something for you.

You are getting much closer to your goal of the cookbook and I'm very excited for you!!


Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

it is my complete pleasure to test recipes for you. just today i made one of your soon-to-be famous dips! :o)

Catherine Weber said...

You guys are hilarious!

Crystal, I'd love your help -- shoot me an email (link off my profile page) and I can send you a couple of recipes!

Aliyah, I'm so glad you enjoyed the muffins. What kind of jam did you use?

Vicki, glad you liked the dip. :) Can't wait to hear a more detailed verdict!

Emily said...

I made the no-chicken salad last night (I haven't had time to post about it though) and I am looking forward to eating it for lunch today! I'm going to have to make it again though because I could have sworn I had the right kind of nuts at home but then it turned out I didn't. whoops.

jess (of Get Sconed!) said...

I haven't tested yet as I'm broke this week - I'm even out of oats! But rest assured I will test each one, my boyfriend is syked about the french toast!