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A special thanks to Running2Ks and Rift for all of their help with coding, graphics, and encouragement for this project.
PURPOSE of Midweek Munchies: Put together by a small group of Veg Women, we hope to spread the word about healthy vegetarianism while obtaining idea starters for meals, recipes, learn about new products, and meet other female veg*n bloggers. Visiting and commenting on other participants lists are encouraged but not required. Have fun and Go Veg!
Believe it or not...I haven't eaten beets in years! I don't know why really just haven't. I will have to try to incorporate them more. I replied to your comments on my blog! I also found Kohlrabi last night...haven't tried it yet though.
As for the sausage...I haven't really found one that I like. I used to eat Morning Star Farms (when I was hard core lacto-ovo) but I am almost sure they have egg whites in them.
Sausage and Fake Sausage = yuck for me. Sorry, no advice here.
As for beets, when I get home from work I may have a few recipes, but in the meantime, check www.fatfreevegan.com (susan's blog) and type beets and you will find a bunch of recipes. Or try vegweb for some. I have heard of mixing beets with grains and it makes them all pretty and red.
The last time I had beets was raw and shredded in a salad. I think I got the idea from How It All Vegan.
I almost picked some up yesterday at Whole Foods.
Hmm if you can track them Soy Boy Okara burgers - those are my favorite burgers pretty much in existence.
I tried a vegan breakfast sausage recently at a restaurant and almost enjoyed it - I'll ask what brand next time I go : )
I recommend making tempeh/potato sausages if you are interested, they're pretty easy and very tasty..I have a recipe a bunch of posts back, I can find it if you like ~
As for beets, I have never cooked with them..wow..but I plan on cooking with them this summer from my csa share.
I LOVE the morningstar farms patty-shaped sausage. Better than most piggy sausages IMO. :-) Roasted beets are very tasty.
Jess, I'd love that tempeh-potato sausage recipe, if you can find it! I really try to avoid processed foods if at all possible, but I love a little faux sausage now and then.
Thanks for the help with the beets! I'll have to investigate.
MorningStar for me (links & patties are good). Even back in the day I hated sausage...I love the soy though, especially with spaghetti.
Beets...I like to boil & basically eat like an apple -- find the gold, they taste better than the red & are less messy.
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