A small trip this week -- no list! I needed just a little produce, and picked up a few odds and ends.
Peanut Butter Tofutti Cuties (believe it or not, I've NEVER had Tofutti Cuties! I'm excited!)
one organic cucumber
five organic bananas
one organic golden delicious apple
one organic Galia melon (my new produce purchase of the week -- I've never heard of this kind of melon before!)
one organic red grapefruit
eight organic cremini mushrooms
one organic yellow onion
one organic green bell pepper
one organic red bell pepper
two small organic yams
two WholeSoy yogurts (mixed berry, and apricot mango -- I think Silk soy yogurts are a little runny, so it's my hope these are a little creamier/firmer in texture!)
one four-pack of Holy Land Deli whole wheat pita bread (made with organic flour!)
AND, $1 off for saving twenty green patches! (You get a green patch for every bag you bring in/reuse, each time you visit.)
Visit Harmonia for more info on Midweek Munchies.
Love those tofu cuties! I haven't tried the peanit butter kind yet.
Lovely looking, Catherine. That red pepper looks almost too red to be real. :)
Unfortunately, we're hard pressed to find Tofutti stuff around here. We were able to get some Tofutti sour cream from the health food store -- and it was divine! I bet the Cuties will be just as good (and probably sweeter than the sour cream!)
Also, I'm sorry you haven't been able to watch my podcast. The time I spend on my blog has decreased since I started the podcasting. I'll try to remember not everyone can watch me in the morning!
Shut up! They have peanut butter Cuties? I recently did a little "taste test" of soy yogurts and found that WholeSoy is quite creamy and firm. However, I don't recall what reall yogurt is like and prefer Silk.
Enjoy your Cuties!
The peanut butter Cuties ROCK. And so does the WholeSoy -- much creamier than Silk soy yogurts. Yum!
Shawn, I know, isn't that red pepper crazy? I swear it's organic -- they didn't inject it with dye or anything! It's teeny, though -- didn't yield much actual vegetable at the end. I'm sorry you can't find Tofutti stuff, what a bummer. I don't buy a lot of "replacements" all that often, but the ones that I do, I'm glad to have. I think I'm lucky -- I go to a really, really, really good co-op.
Ann, I know -- I was excited to see the PB Cuties. My co-op stocks, like, 8 different flavors of Cuties! By the end of the summer, I hope to have tried them all. :)
I can't find that soy yogurt anywhere! ZOINKS! Great list! The produce looks MARVY!
I should check-out your co-op one of these days when we're in the area. We're co-op members (Valley-Burnsville), but don't get to visit it a lot. Very limited produce for what we need.
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