And, with the yoga challenge, comes the return of the FLOG, or "food log," for those new to the term. I had such outrage the last time I gave the daily FLOG a rest, I thought I'd bring it back in honor of the yoga challenge. Maybe I'll just start calling March "health month." We shall see.
Anyhow, here's the grub.
Black coffee and multivitamin not pictured.
Mid-Morning Treat:
If you've never had a Virgil's "Real Cola," you really don't know what you've been missing. So spicy-vanilla-delicious.
Spinach and Tomato Dal, over a brown rice pilaf made with a drizzle of ghee, a pinch of saffron, and a few spices (peppercorns, cloves, cardamom, brown mustard seeds, and cumin seeds.) The pilaf was fantastic, but the dal is STILL not spicy enough! I may have to move away from dried peppers and start using fresh ones. Hm.
Post-Lunch Treat:
The chocolate chip cookies I made yesterday stayed really soft and chewy! Mmm.
Mid-Afternoon Snack:
I think Minneola season is on its way out -- this one was just okay.
Dan was kind enough to financially sponsor a Sunday night special feast, since I don't get paid again until Wednesday. Steamed artichoke (with lemony Earth Balance for dipping,) baked sweet potato, and Hot-Sauce Glazed Tempeh from Veganomicon. I know I've waxed poetic about this tempeh recipe before, but it is TO DIE FOR. Really. So tangy, spicy, almost "meaty," and delicious! Mmm. My mouth is watering just thinking about it, even though I'm still full from dinner! (P.S. The marinade makes enough to do two packages of tempeh, rather than the one package the recipe suggests. Gotta love leftovers!)
Until tomorrow!
You can do it!!! Stay positive and have fun with the challenge :-)
your indian inspired lunch and tempeh dinner have me drooling!!!
Yay! wasn't it exciting doing the yoga? I always wondered what FLOG meant. haha now I know.
Yay for artichokes! I am now craving one, which is a little odd since it is 7:30 in the morning, but they are my favorite food...
Yay, I'm so excited for the return of the FLOG!
I have to admit, I didn't start out my yoga challenge too well. I had visitors in town which left me little energy or time when it came to yoga yesterday. Perhaps I can just do 40 minutes today and call it even?
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