Don't get me wrong -- I love being a food snob. :) It's just nice to not have food be at the front of my mind once in a while!! ;-)
Anyhow, I settled on twenty minutes of sun salutes, using Yoga Journal's "Step by Step Session 1" video. I must buy the series for myself when I complete the challenge!
I swear, this is the never-ending batch of muffins. They are multiplying themselves in the fridge when I'm not looking. :) Coffee, too.
Leftover potato-mushroom stroganoff, noodles, and green beans. Still very yummy the next day!
A coworker made a run to Chipotle, and she kindly delivered me an order of chips and guacamole. Yummy, yummy avocado. I also had a cherry-cola flavored Dum Dum's.
Leftover Agean Eggplant with Lentils, leftover rice, leftover beets, and some fresh pineapple. (I was feeling low on the fruit servings for my day.) (And I promise I'll remember my vitamin, too.)
I'm going to eat a sprinkle cookie. 'Cause I want a cookie, dang-nabbit! :) Yum.
I have a grocery list to write, lettuce to wash and tear up, and a few other odds and ends to take care of -- I better get crackin' so I can get to bed early tonight! I stayed up too late finishing a book last night, and I'm TIRED today. Until tomorrow!
Hooray for yoga!! :-D
Hope you get enough rest!!
Enjoy your night! And ooohhh delicious eats, beets!!!
I just love how you're taking pictures of your meals everyday. Great way to inspire those of us out here who want some fresh ideas.
How cool that you were thinking of yoga instead of dinner!
I've found myself dreaming of yoga.. this whole challenge, I'm being super easy on myself and it is going great so far! My body is waking up to what it used to know when it comes to yoga1
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