And, we've had a last-minute participant join the yoga challenge:
A day late and about 19 minutes short of qualifying, but I bet he doesn't care. :)
Today's eats . . .
I'm going to try and pack healthier breakfasts, instead of eating cold cereal, pancakes, french toast, whatever with the kids. (All heavily processed.) Today, I filled a homemade pita with peanut butter and sliced bananas. Yum. Coffee and multivitamin not pictured.
Leftover rice and dal, and two chocolate-chip cookies.
Afternoon Snack:
Muffin and pear.
After Work Snack:
(I don't usually snack after work; I'd prefer to eat dinner right away, but with fitting in the yoga, I've had to change up my mealtimes a little bit so I'm not practicing on a full tummy.)
Chickpea and orzo soup, with half a leftover roll. (I would have had a whole roll, but there was only a half left! Rats.)
Off to fold the laundry and renew some library books online. Until tomorrow!
That photo of Oliver on your yoga mat is too cute! How funny is Oliver?!
Don't you love how a cat will find exactly what you are ready to use/read to lie on top of!
Yay for yoga and flogs!
Your food looks great.. smart move about packing a breakfast. It is so sad what kids are fed. I don't understand why the food can't be healthier for our kids?
I can't wait for my video tape to get here.. I've been doing the 20 minute download thing.. which is great, but I want my dvd!!
cute kitty. and good eats!
wat a cute kitty!!!! glad to see your yoga challenge is going well :)
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