Monday, April 03, 2006

too many plates

Right now is one of those times in my life when I feel like I have too many plates spinning up in the air. I'm job searching, one of my friends is feeling icky and the doctors can't figure out what's going on, another of my friends is experiencing major stress, Daylight Savings always takes me a month to recover from, recent (albeit repaired, but expensive) car problems . . . the list goes on, and on, and on . . . .

I'm the stress queen! Perhaps I should wear my tiara tomorrow.


Eat Peace Please said...

Wear your tiara and EAT GOOD FOOD.

Catherine Weber said...

does french toast, scrambled tofu, and the last soy sausage pattie in my freezer count as GOOD FOOD?? :) I love breakfast for dinner.

Oh -- and I had secret recipe beans & rice for lunch, and a CUPCAKE, too!!

Flo @ Yielded Heart said...

So, are you wearing the tiara?

We're planning to go to the local EarthSave's potluck this month. Hey, since we're in it for the long haul, might as well meet other vegos out there!

Catherine Weber said...

Ah, I chickened out on the tiara. I might wear it this weekend, though -- makes washing dishes SO much more enjoyable!